Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Antenatal Check-ups at Gov Clinic or Private Hospital :My Story (part 2)


Baiklah, ini sambungan entry sebelum ni (terpaksa buat 2 entry sbb takut pjg sgt).. I already told u why we opted for a private hospital for our first child. And when we found out that we are expecting our second, my hubs ckp better go for private jugak la.. And ramai yg ckp2 kenapa g private, tak g gov clinic/hosp je..ada sebabnya kan (sila baca entry sebelum ni)..ada yg ckp kami ni perasan kaya la, nk menunjuk la..ya Allah, anda tak rasa apa yg sy rasa..dy dh serik ditolak ke hulu hilir oleh nurse2 tu..Biarlah kan org nk kata apa..

Ada sebabnya kami decided terus ke private hospital for our 2nd baby..

1) Our appointment with our ob-gynae is on Saturday..utk org yg baru dpt tetap and payah cuti, this is the best option..kalo klinik gov, u have to come on weekdays which is a big problem to me..mmg la ada annual leave bagai, tapi I only earn 1 day a memandangkan baru keja ni, berapa je cuti yg sy dpt sepanjang 1 thn bekerja..tolak cuti yg terpaksa guna sbb anak sakit , cuti raya bagi..jadi cuti mmg kosong, nk tgk angka 1 tu mmg payah..kalo ada je cuti, terpaksa guna anak sakit la itu la ini the best option is for me to have appointment on Saturday je la..private je la yg buka klinik hari sabtu..

2) We can choose our attending ob-gynae..Seriously, this is the main reason why my hubs insists on going to private hospitals. We get to choose our ob-gynae..kalo kat hov hosp selalubya duorg akan assign mana2 doctor yg ada je la..
our first ob-gynae was Dr.Habibah..i like her..very motherly..and she drives an Audi (stalker kan)…for our second child ni, we choose Dr.Norshidah kat Cloumbia Asia Cheras (Balakong)..i like her too..very warm, friendly and far, dia mmg byk membantu everytime we see shaa Allah, Dr.Norshidah akan sambut kelahiran baby no 2 ni..

3) Husband is allowed in the labor room..this is also our main reason for choosing private hospitals..selalunya kalo bersalin kat gov ni, husband takleh masuk..i think ada je gov hospital yg boleh tapi tak semua la husband was there when I gave birth to my first child. He gave me strength and hope that I needed. He was the one who taught me how to push, hot to count my breathing..he was afraid to be there at first, but he said when he saw his son’s hair, he suddenly felt excited and thrilled. So he kept on asking me to push and push and him, it was definitely an experience he will never forget, an eye opener to how difficult and painful it is to give birth. He said he now knows why mothers are special and amazing...

4) The environment. To be honest, I am one person yg mmg agak cerewet..everything has to be according to my way of arranging ke, organizing bila kat private hospital ni, there’s a guaranteed privacy.. 5) Lastly the cost..not that I think it is cheaper..what I mean is that we don’t really have to fork out our own money pun..semuanya company hubs yg tanggung, from antenatal check-ups to the delivery and to the post-natal check-up..we just have to call the hospital or the company’s insurance provide for GL..itu je..tu yg my hubs ckp kita g private je la dgn muka gembiranya..rupanya sbb dia tak yah kuarkan duit pun..well, maybe kena tmbh sikit la..tu pun utk charges masa bersalin sbb i think he said the GL only covers up to 2.5k ke 3k ntah..

U see, there’s a reason why we opt for private hospitals.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Antenatal Check-ups at Gov Clinic or Private Hospital :My Story

Assalamualaikum semua..

Sejak 2 3 menjak ini, mood nk berblog tu dtg kembali.. Tapi masalahnya tak tau nk blog ttg apa..


Oklah, kalo ni let me blog about why I prefer to have my monthly antenatal check-ups (+delivery) kat private hospitals. Sy bukannya sengaja nk check-up atau bersalin kat private hospitals tau..ada kisahnya..kisah yg membuatkan hubs sy rasa sakit hati..we had experience some bad services that made us said “that’s it, no more gov clinic or hospitals dh lepas ni”..

Kisahnya mcm ni, when I was pregnant with my first child back in 2010/2011, I decided to quit teaching and moved to KL to be with my hubs. So tempat check-up pun berubah la..masa kat Kelantan sy ke Klinik Kesihatan Kuala Krai (yg atas bukit tu) and I could say that the services were good, cepat dan friendly..maybe sbb hospital kot..i moved to KL (we lived in Balakong/Seri Kembangan) when I was 5 months pregnant..setelah survery sana sini, we found a Poliklinik Komuniti Seri Kembangan so we went there for the next check-up..sampai sana nurse kat sana ckp, they only cover those living in Seri Kembangan and according to our home address, we should go to Klinik Ibu Anak Balakong (kat kg baru balakong, yg dekat Chinese school tu)..makanya kami suami isteri menapak la mencari klinik tu..dh la baru pindah, mana la tau tempat2 sekitar lagi kan..

Okay dh jumpa dh klinik tu, so sy masuk la nk buat check-up, nurse sana ckp adahari2 tertentu je untuk check-up ibu mengandung so dia suruh dtg lain kali..pulak dah..okaylah, takpe lagi..we went there the following week, ramainya org, seat tak cukup, ada yg berdiri atau bersila kat pun tunggu la giliran..bila tiba je giliran sy, sy pun ke meja nurse la and the nurse tu tanya “mana air kencing?” so sy ckp la “tak amik lagi” (mcm mana nk amik, takde sape bg bekas urine tu and masa daftar tadi takde sape ckp apa pun)..and then nurse tu ckp “lain kali bw air kencing dr rumah ye, kecing siap2 kat rumah letak dlm bekas, bw dtg sini. Kami tak amalkan kencing kat sini”. 
Eh, ada ye mcm tu..terkejut can that be? Sy bgtau la hubs and husb terus marah, dia ckp mana blh mcm tu.. Oklah, lepas tu sy pun tunggu la giliran nk jumpa nurse yg duk kat dlm bilik tu utk cek perut bagai..dh masuk, dh siap brg atas katil tiba2 nurse tu tanya “awak tak amik blood pressure ke?”..then I told her, nurse kat luar tak amik pun..then that nurse suruh sy keluar blk utk cek blood pressure..ya Allah, sy dh ada ats katil kot, tiba2 kena turun and keluar..pastu kena tunggu pulak dlm half an hour utk masuk blk bilik tu.. Sy pun bgtau la hubs lagi sekali (dia tak masuk dlm, dia duk luar je sbb dlm klinik tu penuh and panas)..dia pun hangin la..suka2 je buat org mengandung ke sana sini..dh la ketidakpuasan hati dia psl air kencing tu tak reda lagi..
That next day tu, husband sy ckp “next month kita g check-up kat private hospital je,bersalin sana terus..senang..” sy tanya la kenapa..dia ckp leceh betul g klinik gov ni..menunggu lama, pastu dia suruh ibu mengandung ke hulu hilir sesuka hati dia pun ikutkan kan je la kata putus hubs sy..
so after that incident, we went for monthly antenatal check-ups kat Hospital Pusrawi Jalan Tun razak, bersalin pun kat sana..kenapa sana? Jauh tu dr Balakong..sebenarnya masa tu my parents-in-law masih lagi tinggal di Kg.Pandan, so after check-up, kami selalu blk rumah in-laws..takdelah jauh sgt kan..and we wanted a Muslim female ob-gynae and a friend recommended that hospital sbb katanya ramai female ob-gynaes kat sana and semuanya berasaskan Islam kat sana..i really like the hospital tapi utk anak kedua ni kami tak ke sana sbb jauh sgt2..we live in Sepang now which takes like 1 hour or more to reach that hospital..

Eh, ni baru cerita kisah di sebalik sebab musabab kami prefer private belum lagi cerita sebab musubab sy teruskan memilih private hospital untuk anak kedua ni..maybe sy smbung in the next entry la..

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Amalan ketika mengandung

Assalamualaikum semua.. 

entah kenapa, mak buyung ni tiba2 rajin pulak nk update blog.. hahaha, ada sebabnya ni, sebabnya si hubs tu asyik perli je ckp dh lam tak baca blog la itu la ini la.. yelah yelah, nk update la ni.. tapi masalahnya tau tau nk update/share pasal apa..

seriously, life has been all the same..same old routine day in and day out.. cuma sekarang kena rajin mkn ubat la..byk pulak..and now that the baby is 34 weeks old, i never forget to drink goat's milk and also air Musoffa everyday.. goat's milk tu takde la yg pure susu kambing yg diperah dr kambing..kalo yg tu, mmmg tak minum la kan..susu kambing yg sy minum ni yg susu hi-goat je.. boleh la kan, minum jugak dr tak minum..demi anak sy teguhkan juga ketahanan diri, paksa jugak diri utk minum..

Alhamdulillah, sekarang ni dh blh minum dgn jayanya, itu pun bercicahkan 2 3 keping biskut.. hubs kata takpelah, minum jugak dr tak minum langsung.. kenapa sy minum susu kambing? sbbnya mama sy ckp susu kambing elok utk mencegah jaundice/kuning..sepupu2 sy pun ramai yg mengamalkan minum susu kambing semasa mengandung, Alhamdulillah anak mereka tak kena kuning pun, okay maybe ada la sikit tapi takdelah smpai kena tahan kat hospital. dan sy pun berani nk mengaku ianya membantu mencegah kuning berdasarkan pengalaman anak pertama sy..Firash takde kuning pun masa lahir, ada sikit je tapi pada tahap yg tak merisaukan..masa ka hospital, dia selalu duduk dlm bilik sy je, takde pun kat nursery..nurse ckp takpayah letiak nursery sbb dia sihat.. parents newborn yg lain terpaksa ke nursery nk tgk anak mereka..kesian kan.. ada jugak yg ckp, baby of parents with blood type of O ke O+ ke O- (ada ke O-) has a higher chances of getting jaundice. sy B+, husband pun sama rasanya.. tapi kan wallahualam la..ini semua kuasa Allah..kdg2 tu kita cuba mcm mana pun, ketentuan itu dtg dr Allah.. 

air Musoffa tu ada kwn hubs yg pesan..dia cerita pengalaman dia la, ada perbezaan perangai anak2 dia.. blh baca lebih lanjut di sini
yg first mendengar ckp, yg second tak langsung..katanya dia suruh wife dia minum air musoffa semasa mengandungkan yg first tu, berdoa pada Allah..anak kedua dia lupa nk pesan katanya.. hubs pun apa lagi, dia suruh sy amalkan la..tak salah katanya, sbb kita berdoa memohon pada Allah jugak.. sy suka minum air Musoffa ni, sejuk je..bau pun wangi.. sy dh amalkn untuk anak pertama, yg kedua ni pun sy smbung amalkan.. kita berusaha, berdoa pd Allah.. 

kami suami isteri mengambil contoh anak pertama far mmg senang nk jaga Firash..dr lahir smpai sekarang tak byk ragam..tak bgn tgh malam, tak suka menggigit (dia kena gigit kat taska baru2 ni), ckp pun lemah lembut (manja pun ye jugak), sekrang ni dia mmg suka tgk Indahnya Iman Astro Oasis..Alhamdullilah, dia blh la berzikir sikit2 (dlm bahasa dia la)..kalo dgr azan berkumandang dia dh tak tentu arah, cari punca azan tu sbb nk tgk, siap azan sekali tu.. sebab tu la kami cuba amalkan apa yg kami amalakn utuk anak pertama..contoh dh apa depan mata kan.. 

apa yg baik kita ikut la, mana yg tak elok kita tinggalkan..apa salahnya kita berusaha untuk kebaikan, yg penting kita dh berusaha sedaya upaya..keputusannya nanti biarlah Allah yg tentukan..

Friday, 12 July 2013

Pink November

It will be a pink November, in shaa Allah..
we had our monthly check-up last Saturday. Baby was 22 weeks (or 21)..entah la..i sendiri tak faham mcm mana nk kira sebenarnya..

anyway, check-up kali ni mcm biasa..gula takde.. phewww..tapi ada protein..Dr.Norshida ckp takpe, minum air masak byk2..kita tgk mcm mana nanti..dia kata biasa la, pregnant women mmg senang ada protein dlm urine..
masa mengandungkan Firash dulu pun sama..ada protein jugak..Dr.Habibah (Hospital Pusrawi KL)  siap suruh dtg every week monitor the protein..mcm2 ubat dia bagi, siap suruh minum air barli bagai..every time jumpa dia, dia mesti seluk nk check ada bacteria ke fungus ke apa ke..sakit wooo..
Dr.Norshida pulak, relax je..takde pun dia monitor mcm Dr.Habibah..agaknya sbb baru 5 months kot..dia ckp yg penting takde gula and blood pressure okay then, she is not worried..
check-up kali ni dpt tau i naik 3kg..hamikkkkk tu..sebulan naik 3 kg..penangan takde morning sickness..
nasib baik check-up kat private hospital, so takde la kena marah..kalo kat gov clinic ni mesti dh kena berbakul-bakul..silap2 dh menangis kat situ dh sbb takut..

anyway, we got to know our baby's gender..yeay..that was what we have been looking forward..
in sha Allah, sepasang la nanti..Dr.Norshida tanya, dh tau ke gender i jwb "dah ke?"
i think she tought i said dh so dia tanya baby apa..i ckp tak tau, dh blh tgk ke? dia gelak je..
Dr.Norshida tekan2 mesin scan dia yg canggih tu, smbil2 cari position baby and she said "nmpk tak? abang akan dpt adik girl"..
and she showed us the tulang paha and the "burger" which represents the girls private ehem ehem..dia ckp la ni ada tiga garis ni maksudnya girl la..kalo lelaki kita akan mpk mcm kepala penyu..

Alhamdulliah, masa Dr.Norshida scan perut tu dia ckp baby sihat, patut la mak pun sihat..uri kat atas, air ketuban cukup, tulang cantik bagai la..

pastu tiba2 nmpk gmbr bwh ni..

wahh, dia tukar kepada 4d la..kagum kejap..jakunn..tgk husband, dia pun sama terkejut..hahaha..dua2 jakun rupanya..
first time eh tgk scan mcm ni..Firash dulu mana ada 4d mcm ni..tak tau pun ada 4d..kalo tau pun malas nk buat kot sbb tak tau nk buat kat mana..
ni kat tmpt check-up ada so okay la..jln je la..dh kita byr kan (eh, bukan, dh guna gl company kan)...kalo nk guna duit sendiri  mmg tak la kot..

apa pun we're long as the baby is doing fine that 's all that matters..

Friday, 12 April 2013

baby no 2 ;)

Assalamualaikum everyone..

Hoping that you had a wonderful day yesterday and will have another on today..

My days were okay..i think la..byk benda yg jadi 2 3 minggu ni..tapi takde la teruk ke apa ke kan, cuma kejadian-kejadian tu membuat kita rasa letih je..apakah itu?

First thing first, Ahmad Firash is going to be a brother..
Alhamdulillah, dh rezeki kan..kami sekeluarga terima dgn hati yg terbuka..dan sykur ke hadrat Allah SWT, seperti pengalaman mengandungkan Firash, pregnancy kali ni pun (setakat ni la kan) berjalan dgn morning sickness no nothing..cuma kdg2 tu rasa mcm loya tapi takdelah muntah, just rasa loya..cravings tu sentiasa ada...hahahaha..sebelum pregnant pun dh sentiasa ada, masa ngandung ni lagi la teruk craving ni..i am so thankful that i have no morning cousins semuanya ada morning sickness yg teruk smpai takleh bgn, pagi ptg siang mlm asyik tak sihat je..

sy pulak, tak mcm diorg..sihat je..siap blh g shopping seharian, blh g zoo negara lagi tu..relax je gynae ckp morning sickness ke tak, semuanya bergantung kpd faktor keturunan..well, maybe jugak pembawakan baby girl atau boy, but the major contribution as to whether you have morning sickness or not is faktor keturunan, your genetic inheritance..if you mom had it, there's a higher chance you will have it for me, mama sy tak pernah kena morning sickness, so i guess sbb tu la sy tak kena semua ni..and mama sy is the only one among her siblings yg takde morning sickness..even if dia ada pun, i know she will fight through it, she won't let it takes over her control of her mum is a strong woman, a lot of things had happened to her but she stays strong smpai la sekarang..

i am happy i am pregnant with baby no 2, cuma yelah, sebagai emak ni, tipu la kalau sy ckp sy tak risau mcm mana agaknya penerimaan Firash nanti..Firash tu is a very pampered boy, tapi takdelah smpai tahap spoilt-brat tu..cuma manja dia tu mmg terserlah lebih2 lagi bila papa dia ada..mama dia garang sikit..risau tapi i believe that everything will be okay..

Firash is a good boy, has always been a good boy..tak pernah menyusahkan mama papa..kat nursery pun cikgu2 dia ckp mcm tu, cuma ckp jenuh nk layan dia sbb dia ramai peminat je la..hahahaha..tu lagi satu buat sy pening, kecik2 dh ramai peminat, mcm mana ni Firash..susah jugak kalo umur 2 thn dh ada peminat 2 3 org..apa nk buat kan, dh Firash tu putih gebu (putih gila kot, smpai mama dia ni pun kdg2 takut tgk tahap putihnya dia)..tapi yelah, dh Firash ni ikut mama dia, makanya putih mcm mama dia la..papa sy ada darah cina cina dan siam so his family members semuanya mmg putih2 la..but i think antara adik beradik sy, sy lah yg paling putih, kata papa, sy ikut arwah moyang sy yg mmg terkenal dgn tahap putih gebunya di kg..takpelah Firash, nanti kita g tankan diri sama2 ye..nasib baik la suara Firash kasar, takdelah jambu sgt kan..

perkara kedua yg buat sy pening, bilik server kat office terbakar teruk..(maaf, takde gmbr sbb masa g office tu ramai gila mat saleh-mat saleh2 dr HQ Australia duk berkumpul dpn bilik server tu, sy pun jadi takut nk snap a pic or two) buat masa sekarang ni kami semua kena work from home..tapi Alhamdulillah, they have found a temporary office, tapi kat PJ kot..jauh tu, dh la jauh, jln2 nk ke PJ semuanya terkenal dgn tahap traffic congestion yg sgt menyesakkan baru je nk email bos, ckp blh tak nk wfh je smpai office Cyberjaya buka blk, bos dh antar email ckp transportation (bus) will be provided from CBJ-PJ..okay, lega sikit..tapi bus bertolak pukul 8 pagi dr CBJ pastu pkl 5ptg dr PJ..waaaa...sama je la..

takpe2 zurina..anggap je semua ini dugaan least, this brings colours to my mundane working life..think positive..inilah masanya nk belajar kerja kat office org lain..asyik office sendiri je kan..hahahaha..

let's hope for things to get shaa Allah, dengan doa dan usaha semuanya akan berjalan dgn lancar..

Friday, 20 January 2012


hey there wonderful people..
(ceh, mcm la ada org baca blog ni smpai nak hey there, hey there..takpe, sendiri baca pun dh cukup dh..)

ada org bertanya, Firash masa baru lahir ada terkena jaundice @ kuning tak? i said takde..ada la sikit tapi tak significant they tanya pulak apa yg i buat ..i didn't do anything after Firash was born, i did all things i could when he was still in my womb or my belly..i amalkan 2 benda..mama i yg pesan and keep on reminding me to do these 2 things everyday...

1) jgn tido tghari atau ptg...


-----> mama i pesan, kalo selalu sgt tido ptg, baby yg kat dlm perut tu akan jadi malas, lembik, suka berehat jugak..tak tau la pulak apa kaitannya dgn jaudice tapi mama ckp kalo tak nak anak kuning, jgn tido tghari atau ptg..

2) kena rajin minum susu kambing...

-----> yang ni mmg la sgt tak rajin..smpai la kena marah dgn minum la jugak..i took the one yg from HR Marketing..nak minum yg betul2 susu kambing tu mmg tak la amik yg serbuk tu..mula-mula minum mmg muntah..takleh masuk tekak..(fyi, i don't like milk or any thing that has to do with milk like cheese)..tapi sbb ngandung kena la minum..tu pun cari susu anmum yg perasa coklat, kalo yg original flavor mmg tak terminum la..tu yg bila minum susu hi-goat rasa mcm nightmare sekejap..tapi hadap je la utk baby..makin lama makin okay tapi kena minum dgn biskut  atau roti utk kurangkan bau susu..i started taking this hi-goat milk masa kandungan 5 bulan..minum sehari sekali, selalunya ptg sbb pagi kena minum susu anmum..bila dh nak dekat edd, i took it once in the morning and once before sleep, susu anmum dh tak minum dh..masa Firash baru 2 3 hari pun mama ada bagi tapi sikit je la since masa tu my milk tak byk lagi..hehehe..

Alhamdulillah, Firash tak kena jaundice @ kuning langsung..mula-mula tu ada la sbb tak cukup susu bdn..lama kelamaan Firash okay..kuning dia mmg tahap sikit sgt yg blh dikatakan mmg takde..dia dh angkat kepala masa umur baru seminggu lebih..tapi angkat tak tinggi mana la..
and sekarang ni, dia mmg kuat..asyik nak berdiri je..sekarang dh memaut kat kabinet tv menapak perlahan-lahan..

even paed Firash pun ckp Firash ni mempunyai tulang yg kuat..alhamulillah..berkat usaha dan juga berkat rahmat dari Allah..

Saturday, 10 December 2011

my pregnancy guide book

i'm sure all mothers will agree that going through pregnancy can be very exciting, nerve-wrecking and don't know what to expect and to do especially if you are pregnant with your first child..agree? when a woman gets pregnant, she embarks on a journey that will be remembered and cherished forever..there are a lot things a pregnant mother needs to know and be aware of..she needs to equip herself with all sorts of information so that she can go through not only the pregnancy but also the labour and motherhood with ease..

when i found out that i was pregnant, at that time it was 5 weeks, i was clueless and husband was living in KL while i was in Kelantan..i was afraid to tell my mother at that time because she told me to wait until i finish my Masters Degree because she knows that the weekly travelling can be tiresome and might affect my pregnancy..(a mother knows what is best for her children) i told my father first instead of my mother..he said not to worry and to take care of myself..when my mother found out, (obviously my father told her) she cleaned my room and and had all safety precautions..thank u mama..

i learned about pregnancy, what to expect and what to do from my mother and also my aunts..but i had to have another source that i can always refer to whenever i need to know something or whenever my parents are not around..i told my husband that i need to buy a pregnancy book and so we went to MPH and looked for a book..there are so many guide books but only a few are relevant or written by fellow i was about to give up, i found this book written by a Malaysian author..i browsed through it and i found it to be very interesting, useful and helpful as well..

and so i would like to recommend this book to all the pregnant mothers, especially those wore are going through it for the first time, who need some source that they can refer is not expensive at costs about rm20, i think it's is not as thick as other books are..and most importantly it is written by a Malaysian..

let me give few things that i found useful in this book:
1) the ultra sound chapter..
every parents would, at least once,want to have ultra sound one so that they know how the baby is      doing..the author also highlighted the pros and cons of doing ultra sound and the types of ultra sound available in Malaysia..

2) My Pregnancy Diary
the book has a pregnancy diary in which this section of the book gives you all the info you need to know about the months of pregnancy, starting from month 1 to month 9..

3) My Pregnancy Calendar
this is sort of a calendar that tells you the everyday development of your baby and yourself as well. i found this to be very useful..i even put a date on each box so that i know where i am on that calendar and i can guess my edd based on the calendar..i always refer to this calendar when i want to know the development of a particular day, for example on my baby's day 55 or 7 weeks 6 days of living in my's good isn't it?

so people, go and grab a copy of this's worth the buy...

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

air musoffa

air musoffa

one of the reasons i've decided to have my own blog is because i want to share as many things, info, and tips i could to my friends  and to those who are willing to try new things. and so today i would like to share about this Air Musoffa.

semalam, i borak2 dgn mr.huster psl my daily supplements and food intake during my pregnancy. among one of the food that i took was air musoffa..we were introduced to air musoffa by mr.hubster's friend..he told my husband yg wife dia minum air musoffa masa dia pregnant with their second child..masa minum tu the wife berdoa la mintak dari Allah supaya dikurniakan zuriat yg sihat, elok budi perkerti, mendengar ckp ibubapa, dan lain-lain. they didn't know about this air musoffa when they were expecting their first child..sekarang, they can see the difference between their two sons. yg sulung tu mmg aktif dan buas dan tak berapa nk dgr ckp org, yg second son tu aktif juga, blh tahan ligatnya tapi bila his parents tegur he listens to them.

so upon hearing this, my husband decided to give it a try. i drank this air musoffa 2 times a day, minum dlm half a cup each time. sebelum minum, kita berselawat ke atas rasul, baca surah al-fatihah dan kemudian berdoa hajat yang kita inginkan. insyaAllah, kalo kita amalkan selalu, doa kita akan dimakbulkan.

and besides, air musoffa ini bagus utk kesihatan..i experienced fatigue and back-ache during my pregnancy..after a few drinks, i felt better. nak tido mlm pun senang, dh kurang sakit-sakit bdn. energy pun meningkat..nak berdiri  lama pun dh okay dh, kalo tak nak berdiri pun rasa seksa esp masa nak masak..yelah, bdn dh la berat, kaki dh sembap..
selain dari utk meningkatkan kesihatan dan juga sebagai usaha memakbulkan doa, ada juga yg guna air musoffa utk tujuan melindungi diri..yg tu, i tak tau la boleh ke tak dari hukum agama tapi i think itu bergantung pada niat diri kita..tak salah utk kita mencuba dan berikhtiar asalkan di jalan yang diredhai Allah.
for me, i drink this air musoffa with the hopes of improving my health and also with the hopes of to be blessed with a healthy and intelligent son.

air ini adalah air yang dihasilkan dari campuran air zam-zam dan air mineral semulajadi, dengan bacaan juzuk-juzuk Al-Quran dan juga Asma Al-Husna. dlm air musoffa ini juga terdapat larutan dakwat dari bunga za'faran..bila kita minum, rasanya lain sedikit dr air biasa dan air ini rasa sejuk je walapun kita tak letak dlm fridge pun..kuasa Allah..