Sunday, 23 October 2011

senheng's 22nd anniversary sale

senheng is having its 22nd anniversary sale people..go and visit its nationwide stores..tak rugi pun kalo pergi cuci2 mata..

we went there last saturday, on our way back home from port dickson..(a family weekend getaway)..
on our way back home, masa tu kat highway plus lagi la, i asked mr.hubster if dia nak singgah masuk nilai tak kot2 la dia nk tgk rumah dia kat bandar baru salak tinggi he said jom la..(dia mmg akan jenguk rumah dia tu setiap kali dtg nilai, selagi MFCB tak bg kunci selagi tu la dia kan jenguk rumah dia tu..hihihi) masa kat nilai tu we saw senheng's outlet and decided to stop by..kot2 la ada members' offer, boleh la beli utk rumah kami nanti..baik beli2 sikit kan dpd tunggu dh dpt kunci yg confirm akan kelam kabut nk beli semua..aduhh, lagi la kopak masa tu kan..
i told my husband to have a look first and try to compare prices with other stores or shops..sbbnya byk lagi kami nk kena buat utk rumah baru nanti..yelah, it's our very own house, plus, it's our first house kan..
so we have to think about the kitchen cabinet (dh survey2 dh and dh jumpa the contractor, so far this company is the best since they give us a very interesting package and they give free gifts too..), the grills (dh survey tapi nk kena survey lagi), the electrical appliances such as the fan, lightings, air-conditioner (nk psg air-conditioner kat hall sahaja sbb kami ni tak suka air-cond pun), then we have to think about the furniture (byk kot sbb we bought ourselves a semi-d house, huhuhu)...if ada duit lebih atau duit terpijak, mr.hubster nak psg pergola kat laman rumah dan dia nk tanam rumput carpet..byk kan..aduh la, inilah yg kami kena fikir sbb gatal sgt nk beli rumah sendiri...

back to senheng's sale so we looked around and decided to buy a Panasonic fridge and a Panasonic washing machine..we got these 2 items in less than 2k..okay la kan..mula2 tu nk beli tv sekali sbb ada offer for 43inch Samsung Plasma TV..rm1399..okay la dh pening dh sbb dia berkenan kat LED tv and i told him utk beli apa yg murah dan okay je, asalkan ada..hehehe.. so last2 he decided not to buy the tv and to wait until the end of this year..kot2 la LED tv ada offer ke kan, yg Samsung tu LCD tv..lupa pulak nk tgk microwave oven..huhuhu

overall, our trip to senheng was a success since we managed to buy 2 items for our new house..brg2 tu disimpan di kedai senheng dulu sbb yelah, mana nak ltk kan sekarang ni..hehehe..

kepada seseiapa yg ada plan nk tukar home appliances, boleh la ke senheng's 22nd anniversary sale

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