Tuesday 15 May 2012

working life

Alhamdulillah, baru 3 weeks keja kat tempat baru, venturing into a totally different profession than before. But i think i like it somehow, but it is still too early to be certain of that la kan. The work of an indexer can be mundane and repetitive but i think i can manage that. i have a great support system from the other indexers. hopefully, everything goes well so that i can stay there longer. i really hope for that because of the flexible working hours. let say i come in at 8am, i can go home at 4.30pm..if i want to go back early on friday, let say around 3pm, i can either come in early or substitute the missing hours some other days. seronok kan. haha..last week jugak ada teleconferencing, yg mcm phone conference tu,  dgn people from the australian branch. jakun sekejap sbb dgr mat saleh and the minah saleh ckp dgn kita..hahaha..sumpah jakun..hahaha, oh ye, gaji pun dh masuk pdhal baru keja 3 minggu. dh lama tak rasa dpt duit byk mcm ni, dulu masa keja gov dpt 2+++  pun dh rasa mcm happy ni kan pulak private yg mmg offer gaji lagi tinggi kan. patut la these people can tolerate the stress of keeping up with the indexes, gaji lumayan kot,..tapi gaji yg dpt dh ditolak kwsp and income tax bagai..sedih..hamik kau zrin, sekarang dh kena potong income tax....pokok pangkalnya, gaji dh masuk walaupun baru keja. yeay, boleh beli hadiah birthday Ahmad Firash..

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